BSM Young Enterprise Awards

BSM helps North Hampshire pupils on the road to business success
Pupils from across North Hampshire celebrated their entrepreneurial achievements at an awards ceremony on Thursday (3/5/12) night.
Youngsters who have taken part in the Young Enterprise scheme were welcomed to Fanum House in Basingstoke, home of BSM driving school, which is the Corporate Sponsor of the Year for Young Enterprise North Hampshire.
Prizes were awarded to groups of pupils who have set up and successfully run small businesses alongside their GCSE studies.
Margaret Parsons, BSM marketing manager, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded the corporate sponsor of the year award and so pleased to have been able to share in the pupils’ successes at the awards ceremony.
“BSM and Young Enterprise are both committed to helping young people learn and develop essential skills for life. It was wonderful to hear exactly how well some of the pupils have done over the last year and I am sure they are going to go on to great things.”
Overall Best Company was Yellow Bellies from Brighton Hill Community College who put in a consistently strong showing across all aspects of the competition; producing a report and accounts, designing and manning their trade stand and making an innovative presentation to the audience.
YellowBellies will now represent North Hampshire at the County Finals in Southampton on Wednesday, May 16.
Other awards that evening went to E-Venture (BCOT) for their product, Reach (Everest Community College) for their Report and Accounts, Innovation (Testbourne Community School) for their stand and Infinity (Costello Technology College) for their Presentation.
Mike Young, Young Enterprise North Hampshire Area Board Chairman, said: “It was a fantastically high standard of competition.
“Every company has traded profitably during a very difficult year. The students have clearly benefited enormously from the unique insight into business and enterprise that Young Enterprise gives them.
“As part of the Young Enterprise scheme students set up their own company, create a product or service, sell shares to raise capital, write business plans, market their brand and run the business to return a profit to their shareholders.
“The scheme aims to inspire the young entrepreneurs of the future, encourage young people to consider running their own business one day and prepare them for the world of work.”
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