Driving Instructor Training Course

Train in 3 months
for £1,549

Accelerated training course combining Virtual Reality with quality in-car coaching and accessible e-learning platforms.

The only VR product on the market, with BSM you can complete your instructor training in just 3 months.

The new BSM instructor training course

Delivered in 3 parts to match with the DVSA qualification

Part 1. Theory

Information at your fingertips. Access to e-learning platforms on your device 24/7

Online Classroom. Live and interactive sessions with BSM trainers

Online Support Group: Organised study sessions with other trainees and support staff

Social learning: Dedicated and moderated Trainee Forum on Facebook

Exam preparation. Mock tests and practice questions to get you test-ready

Hazard perception support

Part 2. Driving Ability

Driving Assessment with development session. In-car session to improve your driving

Detailed development plan. Specific breakdown of where you need to practice and improve

Online development content. Accessible training videos to improve your driving including self-practice exercises

Top up sessions available. Additional lessons to improve your driving if required

Part 3. Instructional Ability

VR Learning experience. 21 hours of immersive virtual reality training to develop your instructional ability

Professional development. 14 hours of expert in-car coaching to cement your skills as an instructor

Reflection and Review. 7 hours development session to continue to build your knowledge and help pull all learning together

What will the integrated virtual reality give you?

Immersive in-car training brought to you in a classroom environment, supported with a BSM qualified driving instructor trainer

Five key functions of a good driving instructor:

  1. Ensuring safety
  2. Communication in the car and traffic environment
  3. Supporting a student’s learning
  4. Facilitating a student’s driving practice
  5. Identifying and supporting opportunities for a student’s development

Just £1,549

£1,549 for the driving instructor training and no hidden charges. The fee can be paid upfront or in up to 11 instalments and a £399 deposit

Extra Training

Additional instructor training can be provided on request at a charge of £40 per hour

Cancellation Policy

There is a 14-day period post booking when you can cancel the course. Post this date the fee is non - refundable

Reasons to train as a driving instructor with BSM:


VR training allows for highly accelerated learning experience through targeted controlled simulation learning, with 15% increase learning speed and 90% information retention


Learn, practice and improve your skills in a concentrated programme around your other day to day commitments, with the ability to complete all your training within 3 months


At just £1,549 (with payment options available) this training makes becoming an instructor more affordable and accessible than ever before.


No other provider offers VR in the driving instructor training market place, supplemented with a mix of in-car training and e-learning it’s a comprehensive course that’s built around you.


The environment in which VR training takes place allows for trainees to explore scenarios and styles in a safe and controlled environment.


BSM has been developing instructors for 100 years, we’ve used this experienced to create a brand new ground breaking course integrating VR to offer fast effective learning.